How To Build Like a Pro In The Sims Freeplay!
How To Build Like Pro in The Sims Freeplay!

Aesthetic wise I don't really like it. So you may be wondering, "Well if I don't want to get a house from the Pre-Built part of the store then how do I build? Well, you first open the build mode in the home store. Then you drag your finger across the screen and build some rooms that you think will shape the house well and serve a purpose in the house. Now, most of you probably know how to build in the Sims Freeplay but you don't know how to make your builds have that sort of je ne sais quoi (that little something) Well as a builder in the Sims Freeplay, I can give you some tips.
Plan your build. Know what you want to build and know how many rooms you want, what colors you will need, etc.
Visualize your build. Like plan but a little bit different. Search up on the web houses like your build. If you are building a suburban house, search up houses like it and see how it's built. What are the characteristics that make it a "Suburban House"
Execute your ideas. Now that you have a plan, a base model, its time to execute your ideas! Personally, that's my favorite part!
Well, I think that is all! Thank you for reading and if you have any more questions or more tips you would like to add, feel free to type it in the comments! And don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel!
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